Our plastic strategy
Plastic fulfills important functions in grocery retailing: It is sturdy, lightweight and can be used in many ways. In particular, plastic protects food during transport and allows us to guarantee quality, shelf-life and freshness for our customers. However, because more and more plastic is produced and too little recycled, plastic trash is a growing problem for humans, animals and the environment.
Lidl Malta is aware of its social and environmental responsibility and of the importance of treating resources in a conscious way. For this reason, we have committed ourselves to reducing plastic consumption by 2025 by 30 percent, making 100 percent of private label packaging maximally recyclable, and using an average of 25 percent recycled material in private label packaging made of plastic. These measures are part of REset Plastic, the international plastic strategy of the Schwarz group, to which Lidl Malta has adhered. This all-round approach ranges from non-use, to design, recycling and disposal, up to innovation and awareness. This reduces the use of plastic and creates closed cycles.
Our goals
to make our private label packaging maximally recyclable by 2025
less plastic by 2025
25% recycled material in private label packaging